815: Season 8 Action Steps: Clearing and Organizing for Getting Help


Season 8 homework exercises (part 1 of 2)

The first step to defining and understanding how and what you can delegate or outsource to give yourself more time to focus on what you’re good at is to get clear. These prompts and exercises will help you do that, and you can listen now but when you’re ready to sit down and do these exercises, you can go to Simplifyandmultiply.com and go to episode 815 for the show notes page and all of these exercises are listed for your convenience.

Get Clear

Like I shared in the first few episodes, I had some real mindset blocks that prevented me from getting the right help to support me in delivering my work. Before you start looking at the practical side of what you can outsource, you need to address your mindset around outsourcing. Use these prompts to explore your own thinking, beliefs, fears and hesitations around outsourcing and getting help.

  • What is your general attitude around outsourcing or getting help in your business?

  • What experiences (if any) have you had getting help or outsourcing have impacted—positively and negatively—your attitude about outsourcing?

  • Who do you know or who have you observed who has had a positive or negative experience outsourcing or getting help and what happened in their “story” of outsourcing that has possibly influenced your attitude?

  • What is your biggest fear regarding outsourcing?

  • What are some of the beliefs you have about outsourcing that are keeping you from taking a step forward? Such as you think it will be too hard to train someone, you can do it faster/better, you don’t know where to find someone and you’re too busy to start looking and go through that exercise, etc.

  • What are your thoughts around money and paying someone to help you?

  • What are your thoughts around having someone more intimately involved in your solopreneur business? Possibly presenting themselves as you in social posts? Interacting with your clients? Creating marketing that aligns with your brand? Writing for you and capturing your voice?

Get Organized

Once you’ve explored and exposed a lot of the beliefs and mindsets you have around outsourcing, the next step is to get organized. That also may mean you need a coach or someone to help you work through those mindsets if you have a lot of resistance. But if you don’t, if you feel confident enough to take the next step into getting help, do these exercises to help you get organized on what you want to do and what you don’t want to do. Journal or write these exercises for the best experience of getting organized with your thoughts.

  • What is it that you love to do outside of your work? Yes, this includes your social life, family life, personal experiences, everything outside of your business. Think of all senses when you do this so that you include the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of your life.

  • What do you love to do in your business?

  • What do you NOT love to do in your business?

  • What gives you the greatest joy in your business and why?

  • Describe your business’s track record, how it’s grown (or not grown), how much of a struggle (or easy and fun) it has been, and the things you’ve been able to accomplish as a result of having your business.

  • What was the most emotional experience you’ve had in the last six months related to something happening in your business? This could be positive or negative emotion.

  • What is your attitude about the current economy, your business’s ability to thrive and the demands of the marketplace you serve?

  • What was the kindest compliment a client ever gave you and how did it make you feel?

  • Write about the value of what you do—not your business, but YOU—that unique thing that you bring to the table that no one else can do.

  • What are some of the most common complaints that you express on a regular basis about your business, the economy, your clients, your income, etc.?

  • If you had a magic wand and could have the ideal business setup, regardless of cost or time to set up, what would that look like? Describe a day or week in the life of your ideal business operation.

Write whatever else comes up for you as you go through these prompts. This is the first step in getting clear and getting organized, which you must do before you get in action around delegating or outsourcing to get help in your business.

The next episode I will cover the second part of this homework which will focus on the steps you need to take to be in action around getting help. So get your head and heart right first by connecting to your desire and vision, and then you will be more inspired to take the right action.


Ready to be 1000% yourself running a business by yourself and having the ability to work less and earn more? It’s all inside PappyClub!

Terry Pappy

Get the right help now

We are often too close to our business to figure out how to lighten the load. I can help you find the right help that will simplify, not overburden, your work life.