605: Betty Norlin on Mindset, Immune Health and Life Balance


About Betty Norlin

Betty Norlin

As a Solopreneur, who better than to talk about the concepts of  Simplify and Multiply (and mindset) than a mathematician and math teacher of middle schoolers! COVID-19 taught us to BE STILL. REFLECT. STOP. OBSERVE. Other events in our lives have taught us to LISTEN. HEAR. REACT. STAND IN THE GAP. Terry Pappy is showing you how to SIMPLIFY AND MULTIPLY your own business for the good of the whole, as you serve others.

As a Recharge Specialist Betty helps you do that through tapping into your own natural healing power in rebuilding your immune system, your attitude, and your business processes and relationships naturally by applying time tested strategies to today’s world.

Gift to listeners: Access to Positive Prime, a tool with neuroscience research behind it, to lift mood, focus, and productivity. Send email to transform@bettynorlin.com and put Pappy Positive Prime in the subject Line.

Betty “The Bridge” Norlin has a rich background as an educator; corporate trainer; and wellness speaker. She has trained others to discover patterns and problem solve, as well as having thrived from her own chronic illness, autoimmune disease, and cancer—each with amazing lessons of their own. She is a best-selling author, award winning speaker, world traveler, president of What Is Holistic Health, and creator of the Naturally Recharge™ series. She enjoys inspiring you and your team with quick tips on healthy living as one of your Ambassadors of Health on the podcast, Be Healthy in a Hurry, along with Olympian Buddy Lee, and Dr. Wayne “The Mango Man” Pickering.

This recipient of the National Speaker Association Central Florida Rosita Perez Spirit Award (2018-2019) and NSA-CF Speaker Academy Spirit Award (2017-2018) is a master researcher and queen of questions. She helps people to think differently and notice the obvious in uncommon places. Looking for tips to provide you with a formula to tap into and enhance your own body’s natural healing power, as well as your business? Reach out to her for speaking, training, coaching, or check out her book, “Our Bodies: The Optimal Design” available on Amazon.

Learning to Harness the Healing Power within you is one of the greatest gifts you can give your future self, your employees, your loved ones.
— Betty Norlin


Kick that Limiting Mindset!

Need help identifying the blindspots in your mindset and how they are limiting your solopreneur business growth and success? Let’s get on a call and find out. You’ll be surprised how fast I can lighten your load and give you clarity on how to move forward to the outcomes you want to achieve.