202: Mark S A Smith on dealing with fears and unknowns in business

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Mark S A Smith

Mark S. A. Smith

A 36-year veteran of the business world, running his own company for 26 years, he works with companies large and small to achieve their sales and marketing goals. Mark designs and implements leadership, sales, marketing, customer acquisition and client conversion systems that find and recruit willing buyers for products and services ranging from common every-day to high-end unique and disruptive. He is often invited to speak at entrepreneurial and corporate events because Mark delivers unique, valuable, and pragmatic ideas to grow and succeed. With a deep understanding of international business, he worked in Europe for three years and has delivered events in 54 countries.

Mark is the author of 13 published books books and sales guides and has authored more than 400 magazine articles. He is a genuine Guerrilla Marketing guru, co-authoring three books with Jay Conrad Levinson, and is a certified Guerrilla Marketing Coach. A renaissance man with many talents, Mark is passionate about leadership, team building, teamwork, sales, and marketing. For over twenty years Mark has served as a strategic advisor to corporate leaders and executives all over the world who must develop the best way to bring in the right strategies for successful growth and sustainability.

Simplify & Multiply

One of Many of Mark’s Actionables:

1) If you don’t have enough money to hire somebody, you’re undercharging. You need to raise your rates. If you can’t raise your rates, add more value. Bring more to the party.
2) Do a workflow analysis, figure out where you’re spending your time and where you’re not generating money, and outsource that.
3) Go sit down with somebody who has a business like yours, and ask them how they did it.
— Mark S A Smith


Mark’s Handout from the Episode

How to Connect with Mark S. A. Smith

Terry Pappy

Terry Pappy