810: Debbie Peterson on Scaling and Getting Help as a Speaker and Consultant

Debbie Peterson

Meet Debbie Peterson

Most people spend more time shopping for a car or planning a vacation than they do planning their career. (Besides, who is taking a vacation right now?)

Yet, their career is where they spend most of their time.

Many people who are unhappy in their careers don’t know why. They just know that this isn’t where they want to be.

But I’m sure you don’t want to be like most people.

And, I’m sure you don’t want to take a lot of time to figure it out.

Great news! It doesn’t have to take a lot of time, and you don’t need to be a special sort of person to figure it out.

Could some more focus and clarity help you?

Perfect! Consider these 5 steps:

  1. Your Mindset. Your mindset matters because what you focus on becomes instruction to your mind, and it says to it, “This is what I want to find.” It then becomes easier to experience…whether it’s a favorable outcome or not.

  2. Your Passion. Your passion is defined by what you want and why you want it. What is out in front of you? What’s next? What could be? Let your brain run free and be curious and explore! Also, consider what do these options allow you to be, do, or have? Dig deeper and find your why to tap into your true motivation.

  3. Your Plan. Grandma Dorie said, “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” I didn’t understand that until much later. A goal on an index card and pasted on your fridge or your bathroom mirror isn’t juicy enough to make anything happen for you! Empty out your brain and consider where you are, obstacles you will face, and action you will take, because you can’t hit a bull’s eye without a target.

  4. Your Peeps! An African proverb says, “If you want to go fast, go alone. But if you want to go far, go with others.” Find the people who have your back, who get you, who raise the bar for you, and will tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. Ditch the ones that suck the life out of you, unless they are family. But that’s a separate conversation.

  5. Your Performance. Even with all of this in place, there are still things that get in the way of you achieving your goal. Things like fear, self-doubt, and limiting beliefs. The ways we sabotage ourselves with procrastination and not saying no. Address what gets in the way, so you don’t always end up back in the same place.

I’m Debbie, and I work to advance women and emerging leaders by creating clarity and focus on what’s next and how to get there. Whether that’s the next level of your career or if you have a burning desire to figure out your next chapter somewhere else, I’d love to partner with you to get there.

Connect with Debbie


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