602: Dr. Alan Zimmerman on Business Mindset and Motivational Attitudes

Alan Zimmerman

Dr. Alan Zimmerman, CSP, CPAE

Speaking Presentations by Dr. Alan Zimmerman:

Up Your Attitude: 6 Secrets That Turn Potential Into Performance

There is no such thing as an “accidental” champion. Every champion starts the race with an invincible confidence, a clear sense of purpose, and a passionate attitude. And every champion crosses the finish line with constructive risk taking, goal-achieving behavior, and a healthy work-life balance. With the 6 Secrets revealed in this program, you will breeze through your biggest challenges with ease, delivering on your personal and organizational goals, on time, with competence, and without excuse.

4C Leadership: Communication, Cooperation, Commitment, and Change

If you influence other people in any way, you are a leader. The question is: are you as effective as you could be? Are you getting the results you want with other people? And are they as positive, engaged, and achieving as they could be? With 4C Leadership, the answer will be yes! This program skips the academic mumbo-jumbo and gets right to the nitty-gritty of what really motivates peak performance.

Take This Job and Love It!: How To Keep Your Balance In a Stressed-Out World

You don’t have to feel overwhelmed. You can have a life and make a living. In this program you’ll learn how to reduce your stress and replenish your energy — no matter what is going on at work or at home. In this program you’ll learn about the 8 domains of the full life and tips on how to keep ’em all balanced! You can do it, if you just know how.

The Power of PartnershipThe Power of Partnership: 7 Keys to Better Relationships and Greater Teamwork

In spite of all our technological advances, success in today’s world still requires a huge amount of people skills. You’ve got to know how to build relationships . . . so respect and teamwork become a reality instead of flavor-of-the-month buzzwords. In this program you learn the exact skills that will have people working with you instead of against you.

How you can connect with Dr. Zimmerman:

Terry Pappy

Free your positive thoughts!

Need help mining your positive thoughts? They’re in there, you may just need a bump to bring them to the surface. Book a call with me now and I’ll help you do just that so you can start experiencing the benefits of a positive business mindset!