510: Marc Ensign on Business, Marketing and Creative Tenacity


About Marc Ensign

Marc Ensign

Marc Ensign's story began way back when he was a kid who wanted to change the world. Upon realizing that it might take a little longer than anticipated, he got sidetracked and found himself playing bass on Broadway with the Tony Award-Winning show Rent. He was completely unqualified (his words) but had a gift for marketing himself and the rest is Broadway history.

Fast forward a bunch of years later and Marc is now "The Big Cheese" at LoudMouse, a personal branding agency specializing in making some of the world’s most inspiring speakers, authors, coaches, and entrepreneurs impossible to ignore. Through their 1 in 10 initiative, Marc and his team have a goal of reaching one billion people in ten years through the work of their clients. If you are reading this, they are one person closer. I guess Marc really is changing the world after all!

Links to connect with Marc:

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Terry Pappy

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