507S SPECIAL: Making Time to BE Creative in Your Business Life

Terry Pappy

What would you do if your doctor told you that you had terminal cancer and you had 6 months or less to live? What would you do? How would you feel? What would you think differently about your life and the time you had left?

This happened to my brother, Rich, and to my husband, Chuck.

Both Rich and Chuck turned months into years—many years.

How did they do it? What did they think differently to create time? To not use time as an excuse to not live the life they wanted to live so desperately?

World events have provided opportunity of time. What are you doing with the gift of time to make your life and business better?

  • What is your story about time?

  • What is your story about creativity?

  • What is your story about business?

  • What is your story about technology?

  • What is your story about your industry or the economy?

Creativity stimulating action items/prompts:

  • What are the things you would like to do or have had on your “to-do" list for some time that suddenly you can now do because you have time?

  • When you no longer have your story about “lack of time” as an excuse to not do these things, what is your new objection? Examine your story about it.

  • Take one aspect of your business that is stagnant or that you’d like to change, whether it’s eliminating it, simplifying it, or making it more profitable from the effort you put into it. Brainstorm ways you can impact it so it provides the result you’re looking for.

  • Brainstorm ways can you streamline and simplify your business.

  • Outside of bringing in more income, how would you like your business to allow more into your personal life? What are the things you are trading off as a result of being a solopreneur?

  • How can you expand your reach, your network or your community to create more stimulation, interaction and learning opportunities?

  • How can you be a model, a mentor or a pro-bono coach to up and coming solopreneurs?

  • What is that one thing you’ve avoided taking on to put yourself out there more either in social media or otherwise?

  • What are you seeing that’s missing in your industry and what your ideal prospect needs that isn’t being addressed?

  • How can you deliver what you do in a different or new way that adds value to your offerings?

Rich lived many more years and Chuck another six years before they each succumbed to their diseases. Time is perceptual and bendable. Use time as a gift, an opportunity to fulfill on your dreams. As a solopreneur, you have unlimited potential and freedom to express, impact and serve one person or the world. How you use time to do that is completely up to you.

Simplify & Multiply
Terry Pappy

Take time to create anew

Need an objective person to see your blindspots? To revive your creativity? To help you believe in your creative ability? Book a call with me and let’s rewrite your stories so you can fall in love with your business all over again.