503: Troy Hazard on How Creativity Transforms Your Business

Troy Hazard

About Troy Hazard

There are theory specialists and then there are those who have been there. Troy Hazard, and past Global President of the elite Entrepreneurs' Organization, has survived moments of sheer desperation in business, countered by stunning success. Drawing from a lifetime of innovative, real-life leadership experience, Hazard now shares with businesses his powerful Lessons from the Edge.

Hazard's experiences in the business world have allowed him valuable insight into the workings of organizations and the minds of customers. It's this same experience that gives Hazard such great value as a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP), an Amazon best selling business author, and national network business talk television host in the USA.

He drills down success into four key areas: understanding your own personal values, being a visionary leader, solid market positioning, and customer relationships. "The key thing about what I have to share is that I've done it – I'm speaking from experience, the good and the bad."

Troy’s Lessons from the Edge provide businesses with potent and refined tools, all of which have been road tested in real-world situations and none of which you will ever learn about in business school.

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