413: Season 4 Wrap Up and Season 5 Introduction

Terry Pappy

Well, if you’ve listened to Season 4 of the Simplify & Multiply show, you’ve gotten some great insights and best practices on niching your business. Here are five simple steps you can take to clarify your solopreneur niche and how to market to that niche. And, it has a lot more to do with YOU than it does with your target client, which makes it a business of YOU.

  1. Step one: What is it that you’re great at? Make a list of your top 5 strengths, and highlight the one that can be the most beneficial to your target client.

  2. Step two: What are the ideal people you want to work with? What is it about their personality, business, challenges and goals that interest you? Make a list of the top 5 and highlight the one that is the most positive and likely to succeed.

  3. Step three: What are the things you like to do in your solo business that seem to have the most interest to you? List the top 5 and highlight the one you feel will be the most beneficial to solving your target client’s biggest problem.

  4. Step four: What problem is your target client—that ideal person you want to work with—having that you can solve easily that they have high value attached to? List the top 5 problems and highlight the one that translates to the biggest value in either money or intangible.

  5. Step five: Make your marketing reflect all of the prior 4 steps. This is where you consistently talk about what you love to do, who you love to work with, what problems they have that you solve for them and how they can work with you.

It’s that simple! These 5 steps will assure you have a niche that works to YOUR benefit and emphasizes what YOU do well in your solopreneur business. Have more questions about niching? Want feedback on your niche and how well you’re marketing to that niche? Go to PappyChat.com and let’s get together and see how you’re doing. I’m always here for you and ready to help you simplify your marketing and multiply your clients!

Season 5

Now. For Season 5 of the Simplify & Multiply show, you are in for a real treat. Season 5 is themed, “How Creativity Transforms Your Business,” which is a theme that is near and dear to my heart. If it weren’t for creativity, I would not be doing the work I am doing today. And I don’t mean creativity in the artistic sense, necessarily. I mean creativity in the way we look at, strategize and run our solopreneur business. So as we wrap up Season 4 of the show, I want you to rate yourself as it relates to your business creativity. It will get your creative juices flowing and help you open your mind to the upcoming season. On a scale from 1 to 10, 1 being not so much and 10 being a lot:

  1. How generally creative do you feel you’re being in your business?

  2. How often do you assess your products, services and processes to improve and innovate?

  3. How often do you invite your clients into a creative conversation about helping them reach their goals?

  4. How often do you freshen your brand, content or marketing to have more punch or achieve higher returns?

  5. How engaged, invigorated and excited do you feel about the work you do in your business?

  6. How many times in the last year did you give yourself a break to take a fresh look at the work you do and innovate a new product or service or marketing strategy?

These and many more questions come about when we get into a conversation about creativity. Most of us are so busy chasing the latest tactic that we don’t take the time to step back and look at our business and how we serve our clients from a creative standpoint.

This is super important for two major reasons: 1) you can differentiate yourself more robustly and consistently when you’re being innovative and creative in your business, and 2) you’re a lot happier because you don’t get bored with your own work.

Now those two reasons right there are enough to fire me up to get you being more creative. So stay tuned, as I’ve got a great season with guests who will be talking about creativity and innovation and how you can make your business that much more successful and fun. See you next week!

Simplify & Multiply
Terry Pappy

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