311: Kelly Roach on the Power of a Business of YOU

Listen to the show:

Kelly Roach, CEO of Kelly Roach International

Kelly Roach, CEO of Kelly Roach International

About Kelly Roach

As an ex-NFL cheerleader for the Philadelphia Eagles, health and fitness nut and mom, Kelly might not be the typical business coach you come across. Unlike most “coaches”, Kelly has actual experience in the trenches of the business world.

From handling hundreds of millions in assets and managing dozens of teams at once across 17 locations to engineering record-breaking turnarounds for companies and departments to breaking every single sales record in her Fortune 500 company’s history. all before she was 30.

She prides herself on focusing on her clients, their business and their lifestyle.

Her goal is to help clients meet their true potential and live out their dreams by building profitable businesses that enhance every aspect of their lives.

Takeaways from Kelly’s Interview:

When you know what you are truly genius at, but also what fills you up, when you know that and really center your energy around that, you will unlock what is the differentiator in your business because the people that are most passionate, that are on fire about what they’re doing and really commit themselves to mastery in those areas become the leader of that thing.
— Kelly Roach


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