211: Andy Masters on how he deals with fears and unknowns in business

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Andy Masters

Andy Masters, MA, CSP

Andy Masters, MA, CSP, is an award-winning author and international speaker who has presented over 1,000+ entertaining and impactful programs on Leadership, Sales/Service, and personal development topics for over 100,000+ attendees. He has earned 4 degrees and written 5 books, including "Things LEADERS Say: A Daily Guide to Help Every Leader Empower & Inspire", and "KISS Your Customer: 77 Reasons Why Sales & Service Are Just Like Dating & Relationships".

Andy Masters IGNITES a cultural transformation to cultivate & empower future leaders, in order to improve performance, advance business growth, and transform customer experience — all within a creative, & high-morale work environment. He has been featured on many major media outlets, including LifeTime Television, PBS, Investor's Business Daily, Leadership Excellence magazine, and Sales & Service Excellence magazine.

Andy has earned the prestigious "CSP" designation of the National Speakers Association (NSA), the highest international recognition for professional speakers, in which less than 10% of speakers worldwide have achieved. He is also currently President of the NSA-Central Florida Chapter, representing 125+ of the BEST Speakers, Trainers, Authors, Experts, and Entertainers in the region.


Simplify & Multiply

Pearls of Wisdom from Andy’s Interview:

You can’t get a sale unless you first ask. You’ve gotta do it today. Get it done. Get your business started. The hardest customers to get are always the first three. You can leverage those three to get the rest, but you’ve gotta get those first three.
— Andy Masters

How you can connect with Andy Masters:

Terry Pappy

Terry Pappy