208: Pia Silva on Dealing with Fears and Unknowns in Business

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Pia Silva

Pia Silva

Pia Silva

I am a partner and brand strategist at Worstofall Design where we build brands that turn expertise into profit. Unlike most branding firms, we build entire brands in days instead of months, and only work for 1-3 person service businesses.

Our unique process and niche positioning has helped us to overcome the hurdles we struggled with when we were starting our business, reliably attracting a steady flow of high paying clients and allowing us to enjoy the freedom that inspired us to become entrepreneurs in the first place.

At Forbes, my goal is to clarify and simplify the elusive idea of "branding," and share practical tips and tangible steps to help businesses find their unique brand voice that leads to profit.

Simplify & Multiply

Important Points from Pia’s Interview:

Everybody comes with huge baggage about money, everybody comes with stories about what money means, and then you make all these decisions about what you’re gonna do in your business without acknowledging what those stories are.

But they guide! Especially the fear part—what you’re scared of—guides all of the decisions in your business and that means you’re not making logical decisions about what would actually help your business and I feel like that’s a really big problem for most solopreneurs specifically, because you’re in you’re your own head and making decisions out of fear.
— Pia Silva

How you can connect with Pia Silva

Terry Pappy

Terry Pappy