113: Trailer for Season 2 of the Simplify & Multiply show

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Trailer for Season 2 of the Simplify & Multiply show

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So excited, this is my first podcast trailer! Whoop whoop for Season 2! Are you ready?

Okay, so season one of the Simplify & Multiply show was a true success. I’m so proud of the content as well as the quality of the show, and really grateful to all of the guests that I was able to interview. Let me give a shout-out to Ward Sandler, Nathan Hirsch, Beth Azor and Denise Povernick. Thank you all for being guests on Season 1.

Season two of the Simplify & Multiply show is going to be about a big topic: Dealing with Fears and Unknowns in Business. Yeah, that’s a mac-daddy, and because it’s such a big topic for solopreneurs, I wanted to dedicate an entire season to it. So in Season 2, you’re going to get super equipped—like Batman Toolbelt equipped—with resources that will make you invincible in the face of fear around things going on (or not going on) in your business.

Hey listen, I’m the perfect example. I started my business in 2006 going into a recession after losing my husband to cancer and getting laid off of a corporate job at Marriott that I loved and thought I’d be doing for the next ten years. Talk about TERROR. I had it in spades. I also made a lot of knee-jerk decisions that didn’t go so well, but taught me enormous lessons. One of those lessons was that I was the only thing limiting myself. My thinking, my story, my beliefs, my decisions, my actions were all keeping me playing super small in those early months and years. I mean, come on. I was charging $17 an hour to design websites as a freelancer just to get started. That’s what I charged my very first client believe it or not! And months prior, I’d been leading a web design team at a Fortune 500 company with marketing budgets in the millions. Come on already!

But that’s the reality of solopreneurism. When we start out, it’s dicey. We don’t know a lot. We take what we’ve learned from previous training and experience in the corporate world or working for someone else, and we try to convey that into our own business. And in many cases, we don’t know what the heck we’re doing outside of our core expertise and talents, things like bookkeeping, legal, taxes, marketing, sales and outsourcing. We fly by the seat of our pants and figure it out as we go, we’ll like sign up for online training, watch a bunch of YouTube videos, we learn what we can and we bootstrap the heck out of our business.

Why? Because once you get the bug, you can’t do anything else. Being a solopreneur is a beautiful dream come true. It offers endless possibilities, endless opportunities to generate revenue, and endless people and organizations that we can help. Now who doesn’t want to get on that bus?!?!

So that’s what is in store for you in Season 2. After a few short weeks that will go by super quick, I promise, I’ll be back with a season of episodes all about Dealing with Fear and Unknowns in Business. My first interview will be with Mark S A Smith, and it’s a great interview I know you’ll get a lot out of. So please stay subscribed on your favorite podcast channel provider and they’ll let you know when season 2, episode 1 goes live.

Also, I just wanted to remind you, that the Simplify & Multiply Peer Club includes a super awesome Facebook Group with other solopreneurs just like you, so make sure you sign up to the Peer Club at SimplifyandMultiply.com and we’ll send you all the info you need to join the group as well as all of the other benefits that come along with being part of the Peer Club. And yes, it’s all FREE and catered specifically to solopreneurs just like you. Enjoy the break, thanks for listening, thank you for subscribing, sign up for the Peer Club and send me any ideas you have for content or questions you’d like to see on future Simplify & Multiply shows.

Simplify & Multiply

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Thank you for listening to Season 1, there’ll be much more solopreneur wisdom to come.
— Terry Pappy

Terry Pappy

Terry Pappy